David Green – Under the Covers
Cascading electro rhythms intertwined with pop bursts, here is David Green with his new attractive song “Under the Covers”. Under the caressing breath of his voice, David multiplies the contrasts and sensual echoes. A mixture of fiery cracklings and fiery swings, it creates balances with heady electric reverses. The lyrics and melodies mesh together perfectly and the chorus is so beautiful. With this sweet and fiery blend of hit notes with deliciously catchy flavors, David Green hits hard.
David Green’s openhearted brand of piano-based electro-pop has earned him a reputation as an exceptionally promising new artist. The Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter has been releasing music since 2018, developing his unique voice and growing as an artist with every new song. Now, with the release of his debut album “Happy Tears” planned for the summer of 2023, David is poised to reach new heights while making a meaningful impact on the modern music world.
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