Make Plain – Last Out
With a sensual intonations that slides on guitar riffs and tumults of soft percussions, here is Make Plain with Last Out. As in weightlessness, its arpeggios unfold a graceful rhythm with distant vaporous echoes. Last Out defies gravity, ignoring time. Distilling folk-sounding curls touch hearts with this delicate song. Andrea and Luca reveal the poetry of tender beauty, the singing voice is a piece of art, it’s pure and rich and the performance is very professional which shows how talented and skillful they are. “Last Out” is an English expression that means to survive.
They were born and raised in Mendrisiotto and began their musical journey in January 2012. With now more than 300 performances in the Swiss and European scene, in February 2019 they had the great opportunity to represent Switzerland and their Canton, in a Germanic tour called “Innocence”, performing as a “back-up group” to the renowned South African band, Prime Circle.
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