
”Just Me” is a new piece of art from Estella Dawn. This talented modern pop artist, Born and raised in New Zealand but residing in the US, gives us a wonderful song full of notes embroidered with feelings, intertwined with delicate percussions. The chorus is so catchy and the production is polished, smart, and took this song to a whole new level. With a catch chorus, trumpets for a nostalgic vibe, and heartfelt and relatable lyrics, Estella Dawn invites you to an irresistible embrace. “Just Me” promises a fiercely honest, unapologetic performance, unpredictable from one moment to the next, but gripping and ultimately satisfying as it relays these unforgiving lows and their impact on self-preservation and perspective. This amazing masterpiece left us so excited to see where Estella Dawn’s career will go over the coming months.

Estella Dawn is becoming known for her unwavering confidence and boldly passionate delivery. Her music has proven a force to be reckoned with – her style knows no limits, and across the globe, her growing audience is celebrating that quality. Divinely striking vocals carve out a fiercely distinct identity, as this creative powerhouse continues to raise the bar for the future of modern pop.

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